
Software Price List

Prices given below are only valid for the Australian and New Zealand region.  They are correct as of the 1st January 2023 and are given in Australian dollars.  They do not include the Australian Government Goods and Services Tax (GST) of 10%.  Please note that this tax is not applicable for overseas companies purchasing these products.

To convert into another currency, please use the Universal Currency Converter.

Standard Version (excludes ILB, CBM, PSC and CULVERT)
First copy (stand-alone / networked)

$ 3500 / $3950

Second copy purchased by the same company for use in the same office (stand-alone / networked)

$ 2500 / $2950

Third and subsequent copies purchased by any office already having at least two copies (stand-alone / networked)

$ 1500 / $1750

Upgrades - Standard Version (excludes ILB, CBM, PSC and CULVERT)
Upgrade from versions V6.0 - 6.4 to V7 (per copy)


Upgrade from version V6.5 to V7 (per copy)


Upgrade of a multiple system


PSC Design Module (PSC)
Standalone version - First copy (the Standard Version of ACES is not required)


Standalone version - Subsequent copies (the Standard Version of ACES is not required)


Clients who already have the Standard Version (with or without Maintenance Contracts)


Network versions - All clients, all configurations


Continuous Beam Analysis Module (CBM)
Standalone version - First copy (the Standard Version of ACES is not required)

$ 750

Standalone version - Subsequent copies (the Standard Version of ACES is not required)

$ 600

Clients who already have the Standard Version (with or without Maintenance Contracts)


Network versions - All clients, all configurations


Incrementally Launched Beam Module (ILB)
Standalone version - First copy (the Standard Version of ACES is not required)

$ 900

Standalone version - Subsequent copies (the Standard Version of ACES is not required)

$ 600

Clients who already have the Standard Version (with or without Maintenance Contracts)


Network versions - All clients, all configurations


Standalone version - First copy (the Standard Version of ACES is not required)

$ 2500

Standalone version - Subsequent copies (the Standard Version of ACES is not required)

$ 1500

Network versions - All clients, all configurations


Annual Software Maintenance Contracts

An annual software maintenance contract provides users with the following benefits:
  • Free upgrades, enhancements and updates as and when they occur
  • Telephone, fax and e-mail support
  • Training at very attractive rates
  • Assistance from a trained group of professional bridge engineers if problems arise
Annual software maintenance fees are based on the total number of Standard ACES copies purchased, on the type of system implemented (stand-alone, networked or wide-area) and on any additional modules acquired (ILB, CBM, PSC or CULVERT).  Current annual maintenance costs shown in the table below are given in Australian dollars and exclude the government GST charge of 10%.  They apply only to the number of Standard Versions of the stand-alone program shown in the table and are not applicable to either networked systems or any of the add-on modules:

Single copy (1)

$ 600

Two copies (2)

$ 750

Three copies (3)

$ 900

Four copies (4)


Five copies (5)


More than 5


Please contact AAS for a quotation if:

- Your site has more than 5 licenced copies; or

- For networked systems; or

- If you have the ILB / CBM / PSC / CULVERT modules; or

- For state-wide or country-wide site licences 


ACES Standard Version
ACES Continuous Beam Module
ACES Design of Pretensioned Girder Module
ACES Incrementally Launched Beam Module
CULVERT Design Module

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